Through arts integration, we connect artists to teachers, and students to inspiration. We enrich the learning process by using the arts to explore topics across the curriculum, from science to social and emotional learning.
Our Artists
Our artists are seekers, risk takers, question askers, and problem solvers. We recruit and train a specialized group of professional artists who have the expertise to speak art in schools and libraries throughout the community. Our artist-educators collaborate with our partners to merge art into other subject areas and design engaging arts enrichment activities for out-of-school time programs.
Meet Our ArtistsWhat We Do
Arts Impact speaks art in the classroom and community through a wide range of art forms, from sculpture and mixed media to contemporary dance and photography. We offer two key types of programs:
Arts IntegrationArts EnrichmentHow We Do It
- In-person classroom residencies
- Interactive, real-time distance learning
- On-demand online lessons
- After-school programs
- Summer camps
- Professional development workshops
- Family engagement workshops
- Art installations