Through collaboration with teachers and administrators, Arts Impact offers intensive arts-integrated residencies, in-school workshops, after-school programs, and engaging family events.
School Partnerships
Arts Integration
Hands-on learning experiences help students learn in and through the arts while gaining a deeper understanding of non-arts objectives. Projects are customized to suit teachers’ needs related to their curriculum and the art forms they wish to explore.
In early 2023 we piloted our Intensive Arts Integration Program. Our artists worked in each of two classrooms for 50+ hours, leading students through large-scale projects that supported arts and non-arts aspects of the curriculum. Third graders dove into water conservation – through science, math, language arts, and more – and ultimately created a large ceramic sculpture that is now installed at the school. First graders designed body parts for their own birds as part of a larger study. Those pieces were laser cut and assembled to create large marionettes that move. How did students benefit from this intensive approach to arts integration? Our results from this pilot were compelling! Learn more about our findings here.
We made some changes to improve the program based on what we learned and expanded to seven classrooms during spring of 2024. This semester second graders are integrating art with math, life science, and government as they create large scale geometric weavings using recycled materials. Stop-motion animation is one of the many mediums being used with third graders to teach math and the life cycle. Ohio history and math came to life as fourth graders designed a storytelling quilt, with each student creating a block of a large quilt which now hangs at the school. We’re excited to grow this program even more for 2024/2025!
Out-of-School Time Programs and In-School Workshops
We design arts enrichment programs and workshops based on students' ages/developmental levels and each school's needs. Our out-of-school time programming in schools has expanded significantly the past few years through our work with Say Yes to Education, CMSD's Summer Learning Experience, and now CMSD's Encore Expansion.
Arts Impact provides all supplies and equipment
needed for our residency projects, including:
fine art
Apple laptops
digital drawing
all other supplies
and equipment
Family Engagement
We introduce new ideas and new thinking. We connect art, culture, and technology in ways that make roadblocks to learning disappear. We love bringing this work to our students’ families, too.
Arts Impact can facilitate workshops and/or offer family nights. These are community building events that allow students and families to extend the learning from the school day, share residency projects, and engage in hands-on activities.

Art Installations
Many partner schools elect to beautify their buildings with an art installation. Select residency projects can be displayed in a public area for students, parents, and community members to enjoy.
Professional Development
Arts Impact offers professional development opportunities for educators in conjunction with residencies and through professional development workshops. Our workshops introduce teachers to arts integration and help them to incorporate the arts into their own work.
Recent Partners

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We love to collaborate and to be challenged!