Professional Development for Educators
Are you looking for ways to motivate and engage your students, while supporting learning standards? Arts Integration is a powerful approach to teaching!
Join professional artists from Arts Impact for upcoming summer workshops. Our team will share tools and techniques to help you bring learning to life through art in your classroom.
You do NOT have to be an artist to participate. You will leave with lessons and ideas you can use right away. Choose the content area/grade levels that interest you. Come for just one workshop or stay for a full day.
July 10
Morning: Integrating Art & Math, Grades 1-3
Explore concepts such as number sense, addition and subtraction, and money through hands-on art projects.
Afternoon: Integrating Art & Science, Grades 1-3
Use the arts to study topics from the scope & sequence. Animals and their habitats, force and motion, and the earth, sun, and moon are some of our favorites.

July 12
Morning: Integrating Art & ELA, Grades 1-3
Draw, paint, build, or sculpt to complement stories, character studies, and more.
Afternoon: Integrating Art & Social Studies, Grades 1-3
Create maps, timelines, and artifacts to support studies of history and geography.
July 14
Morning: Integrating Art & Social & Emotional Learning
Grades 1-3
Afternoon: Integrating Art& Social & Emotional Learning
Grades 4-5
Arts Impact artist-educators, who have been trained in SEL, have a host of projects and lessons to share! These workshops focus on SEL competencies including identity, relationships, and bullying.

July 18
Morning: Integrating Art & Math, Grades 4-5
Show real-life applications for fractions, measurement and geometry through mobiles, sculptures, and other creations.
Afternoon: Integrating Art & Science, Grades 4-5
Nurture design thinking as you practice circuitry skills through the arts.
July 20
Morning: Integrating Art & ELA, Grades 4-5
Draw, paint, build, or sculpt to strengthen reading comprehension, analysis of different types of text, and components of language.
Afternoon: Integrating Art & Social Studies, Grades 4-5
Weaving, ceramics, and bead work make learning about cultures and communities fun.

Creative & Joyful Teaching
Professional Development for Educators
Daily Schedule:
Morning Workshop Registration 8:30-9:00 am
Morning Workshops 9:00-11:30 am
Lunch* 11:45-12:45 pm
Afternoon Workshop Registration 12:30-1:00 pm
Afternoon Workshops 1:00-3:30pm
You can register for more than one workshop!
*Stay for lunch if you are attending morning and afternoon sessions on the same day. You can bring your own lunch or order a boxed meal in advance. We’ll send out a link to order lunch as we get closer.
Arts Impact
3311 Perkins Avenue #300
Cleveland, Ohio 44114
For questions or more information, contact us!